Friday, November 4, 2016

On the class as a whole..

After enrolling and having taken almost a whole semester of this class, it is pretty easy to say that I know look at english and writing in a way that is different than how I used to. This class as has exposed me to a new way of thinking and has expanded me as a writer and creator. While looking over hollistic rubric in this course last week, I realized that the major components haven't only been reflected in my multimodal and microtheme project. Something that I think was most prominent from the rubric was the emphasis of creative thinking. I have always liked to think that I was a creative person, but after having the documentary project, along with the other blog posts, tweets, and multimodal/microtheme; I discovered that I am more than capable of being a creative person than just how I used to see myself. I can use pretty much anything with my language and turn it into a work of art. I've gained rhetorical knowledge as well, and I am confident that I can see it everywhere now that I know and understand what it is. It's actually quite cool! I would have to give myself an A for enthusiasm in this class! I am enjoying it much more than I thought I would.


  1. I agree, this class made me think of things differently than in the past. I like that we have to be creative in this class because it is like a whole different side of people surfaces when writing a paper or doing our multimodal videos.

  2. Same here! I always thought I lacked the ability to be creative till now :)

  3. Same here! I always thought I lacked the ability to be creative till now :)
